When considering an abortion, many individuals need …show more content…
In the article “Marco Rubio Defends Abortion Stance: Human Life Begins at Conception,” Rubio says, “. . . I personally and honestly and deeply believe that all human life is worthy of protection irrespective of the circumstances, in which, that human life was created.” No matter what the situation may be, that baby inside that mother has the right to life. He or she is alive inside their mother. Amy Calder, a reporter, in the article titled “Abortion” writes about a vigil that took place in Texas. A woman at this vigil is protesting for abortion. This woman is 100% pro-life. She and this are arguing about woman rights and how it is the mother’s body and she can choose what to do with it. Calder’s report quotes what this woman said to this pro-lifer “My body-my choice -- your body is your choice until your choice demands that somebody else pay for the consequences of your choice and while you body may be yours to an extent, that little body within your body is not your body.” Even when that little body within the mother’s body is developing, these mothers believe it isn’t. When an ovum is fertilized by sperm the miracle of human life begins (“Federal”). Doctors all around the United States are required to inform their patient, whether they are five or twenty-two weeks along, that the baby developing and growing inside them is human. According to Tamara Thompson the baby develops a heart beat by the twenty-second day of pregnancy. Many women all of the United States still can have an abortion up to the twentieth week. That is day 140. Thompson proves the baby’s life has