While sites like Countable.com and 5Calls.org take different approaches, they help people identify issues they care and voice their opinions to elected representatives. Countable.com used videos to highlight issues and offers the ability to send a video message to an elected representative. 5Calls.org provides contact information and a script to contact …show more content…
representatives. They use search features to help people locate issues they care about and who to contact about them.
WhatdoIdoabouttrump.com offers links to a variety of resources (organizations, apps, news sites, etc.) to keep people informed on and take action against Trump’s policies. Location isn’t a key feature on the site instead issues can be filtered categories (ex. “Influence Your Representative” or “Attend Events and Protests”). Instead of offering information on its site, it links to other sites.
Looking at these sites and a variety of other cause related sites, the most important selling point that ActionMap should focus on is impact through expertise and experience. It can help citizens (the end users) make their actions more impactful by connecting them with organizations who are effective because of their deep knowledge of local issues and help organizations (primary customer) get more persistent and high quality citizen support by providing visualization to explain issues.
While political cause organizations and non-profits are ActionMap’s primary customer, it needs to be an effective tool for citizens (secondary customer) looking to engage around issues.
The message to the citizens should focus on the expertise of these organizations will enhance the impact that citizens.
To the organizations, ActionMap needs to be an effective tools to gather citizen support and communicate issues effectively.
Branding Opportunities:
Instead of ActionMap, they should consider the name “Partner for Impact (Partner4Impact)”. The new name would highlight the partnership relationship between “Partner for Impact and political cause organizations/non-profits as well as the relationships the political cause organizations/non-profits and citizens. Additionally, the impact would be highlighted through the use of information visualization on the application to help citizens understand issues. “Partner for Impact” would be the premier app to for organizations and citizens to partner to make an impact on issues they care about.
Key Features of the Partner for Impact MVP
Political Cause Organizations/Non-Profits will need:
1) To be able to quickly create issue pages that
- Issue descriptions
- Their impact (experience, expertise & effectiveness)
- Action steps
- Dates/Deadlines
- Contact information
- Supplementary Material
- Updates
2) To able to create an effective information visual to show the impact of issues.
The most important part is that the information visuals are high quality and can be tailored to explain issues effectively and their impact. If not the app would be just another “billboard” site, more noise than effective.
Citizens will need:
1) To be able to quickly identify issues they care about.
• issue
• location
• impact
• timetable
2) To be able identify organizations who are working on the issues
• issue visualizations
• action steps
• timetable
• contact info
• signup for alerts
• supplementary materials
3) To able to verify organizations’ ability to help them make an impact
• track record on issues
• previous participation rates
• feedback
• issue updates
• supplementary materials
Examples of Effective Visualizations to Show Impact
Below are three different approaches to how information visualizations can effectively show impact.
1) Are Cereals Really Good for You?
This shows how complex information be used effectively communicate an issue.
2) Have We Underestimated the Female Consumer? - Although this font color should have more contrast, this visualization is very effective at personalizing the issue and its impact.
3) Food Insecurity in the US - This visualization does offer a map of the issue, but equally emphasize the issues impact.