My greatest achievements during my time in school came when a teacher addressed and work with me on these issues. When I had teachers that addressed these issues and supported …show more content…
In the education program at Bradley University, we had to spend hours observing and interacting with students throughout the Peoria area. Many of the schools I observed were low income, overcrowded, and as a result, a majority of the students were being left behind by the education system. In many of these students, I saw myself. These students had the ability to learn and truly yearned to learn, but because of their learning style they were being labeled by others as lazy and disconnected as I once was myself. I connected with these students, and I believe we learned a great deal from each other. I once again became aware of what I knew when I was younger, I had the ability and willingness to learn but I need to make the most out of every opportunity given to me. While my overall GPA was much lower during my first few years at Bradley University, I finished the education program with a GPA of 3.68.
I dedicated myself to this program. The learning process did not become any easier, but my passion for education and my determination to address the needs of all students renewed my conviction to set high standards for myself and never cease until I reached those standards. I began reaching out to my professors and others around me who could help cultivate and maintain this enthusiasm. This focus has not ceased. In my work as an educator, the hours are longer and the work greater but I continue to push myself to go beyond these