Make the most of your college experience and join various campus clubs and organizations that appeal to your interest. This is a great way to m...…
I am very committed to any clubs that i join and do work to the best of my ability at all aspects of the task at hand. This is demonstrated by my work in FIRST robotics i have been a part of FIRST robotics since the 5th grade every year learning new things and meeting new people from all over the world. Theses experiences have shaped me to want to be an ambassador to FIRST and other STEM related activities. From 5th to 9th grade I was part of FLL (FIRST lego league)…
I am a member of South Warren High School’s Spirit Club. I have been a member of spirit club since freshmen year. My responsibilities in this club have been to assist design, order, deliver the club shirts for this year, make posters for school sporting and academic events, assist in making goodie bags to pass out to students who excel in a certain area, attend the club meetings, participate in the events the club sets up, and to attend as many sporting events as I…
There are over 170 clubs and organizations if students do not find a fit he/she are allowed to create their desired club and/or organization. Students are provided advisors to write by-laws of their desired organization of choice. Students change and grow throughout their college journey, and student affair professionals are making sure they assist students to follow their desired trajectory. Most of the student life programs allow students to focus on their intellectual skill development and knowledge…
We started small. After talking to some teachers and some friends from cross country and the previous year at track, we found a place to put our stuff and met every other day. I lead our group in many hard workouts to improve our muscles and lung capacity, as well as researched the best stretches and core exersices. We’d even set meetings on weekends. Although, soon I realized that I would need a coach or two to guide us further. I contacted Mrs. Tremayne and set up meeting times where we could go over some permission slips, and dates/times. I got to announce our club on the announcements, as well and got to get T-shirts. Eventually, We met every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday with two great coaches named Coach Tremayne and Coach Erin Luzader who helped us with our workouts and get insight into the next season of track and High School cross country. From circuits to warmups we used to prevent injuries, Running Club made a difference in my, and hopefully other’s lifes. The soul purpose behind creating a club was to make our running become better and to keep ourseleves in shape for the next track season, so we could achieve…
have always prioritized my academic achievements for the pursuit of higher success. Yet I have engaged in a variety of activities that have made me a more mature, well-rounded person. An organization, named Interact Club, had a significant impact in leading me to gain leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.…
At first glance, it seems like a club that would not get much traction and quickly fizzle out. On the contrary, the club now meets regularly and has an academic advisor. The girl has raised awareness for the destruction of not only duck habitats, but other endangered animals. The club even has a growing number of involved members, including myself. Like this, OSU has so many unique clubs; pizza club, knitting club, etc. These clubs enrich the experience the university offers, and I hope to facilitate them as an alumnus so future students can have the one of a kind experience I am blessed to…
Allowing me to become a part of The National Association of Colored Women’s Club would be beneficial to not only me, but also to the organization. I am a detailed-oriented, determined student and worker who is looking for an opportunity to learn and grow. My hard word, dedication and passion will prove to be an asset. I believe that The National Association of Colored Women’s Club can continue to make great strides toward the excellence and history of black women by sharing their values, guidance, and experience with an upcoming student who is avid about their career and taking the initiative. With room to grow, I could then apply these skills to my career and community and continue to contribute to the prosperity of The National Association…
As a young man, I had dreams of attending college and joining a fraternity. By attending college, I would be able to increase my possibilities for employment by receiving a Bachelor’s degree or higher in a specific area of study. The satisfaction of being the first member of…
The moment that signified my transfer into adulthood happened just recently. Since 8th grade, I have been a part of truly incredible academic-service organization called Beta Club. Beta Club has taught me the values of being a leader by serving others, and it is from this “servant's” mentality that has made me a better person. Moreover, it has given me countless leadership options as I served as my middle school Beta’s president. Then, I was elected as my high school’s chapter president, and this is where my moment of transition truly begins. Each year, the state Beta Club hosts a convention in Greensboro, where you can compete in events or run for state office. The state convention was like no other event I had participated in, and ever since I attended my first…
Chartering and being in charge of a club can be very rewarding, but there can also be a plethora of obstacles that have to be overcome. I am the president of the Best Buddies program – a program that seeks to increase interactions between people with and without special needs – at my high school, and I was the first person in my county to charter this program which was back when I was in the eighth grade. Being the President of this specific club is very challenging and unique: it requires you to work with a wide variety of students – in the mainstream setting and those with special needs – and those students’ parents. From these challenges, I learned the value of persistence and the importance of keeping to your word no matter what life…
There is not a single feeling greater than the one you experience when you make a positive impact on someone else’s life. Thankfully, I was able to experience that in my junior year. My high school has a program called Link Crew that is designed to help alleviate the anxiety of freshmen’s transition in to high school. When I signed up to get involved, I never realized how strongly it would affect not only my life, but also the life of everyone else who came in contact with it one way or another. Junior year was my first year involved in the program. At first, I was not sure if I would be able to handle it because it was a club that required a large time commitment. I was already involved in my advisory board, student council, and also I had been on the varsity softball team for both years prior to my junior year, along with working anywhere from three to five days a week. It was a very busy time in my life for a while, but I soon came to realize that Link Crew was completely worth it once I started seeing the effect it had on my school.…
When joining a club you become involved with the school and your surroundings, For example, I knew a lot of people at school, but after joining the club I joined other things that got me a connection with the people who worked in the community, other schools, and also the people who worked in offices. It showed me ways on how to communicate with different people and people who have the same goals, so I could get a better understanding of what’s going on around me and be a team. This benefited me for the better because I learned how to become better-rounded and learn other great key concepts to life. For example, I learned how to manage my time efficiently because of the fact that I was trying to fit time in for homework, practice, club duties, and me time in my life. Managing time also comes with learning how to organize and be productive which is very essential to my life for making me…
These organizations helped with the school to raise money and understand the quality of working together. My shyness all went away at this time, I no longer had a reason to be held back.The more organizations I joined, the more I grew as a person. In the beginning of my junior year i was inducted to National Honor Society, became colorguard captain and historian officer for band. Becoming colorguard captain meant more than being a simple member. The day i learned about myself having an interdependence nature was during the day of our first band competition of the year. Having to wake up early and do an SAT exam was simple. The fact that i had to do the SAT then drive an hour after the exam was different. I could've chosen to not go. Everyone already knew their performance.Yet i needed to take my responsibility as a leader and be physically there for my part. Servant leadership is a component of being part of a true community. This includes everyone being part of a family. I didn't realize how limited my definition of “family” was. My definition is now more than flesh and bone; it is my very own…
As a cross-boundary transfer student, I entered my freshman year of high school knowing very few of my classmates. In order to get to know others, I committed to joining some of the major clubs in the school. The first sign-up sheet on which I wrote down my name was that of the Lisgar KEY Club - a club that would impact me in many more ways than I realized.…