The story under the analysis is written by Hector Hugh Munro (December 18, 1870 – November 13, 1916), better known by the pen name Saki, was a British writer, whose witty and sometimes macabre stories satirized Edwardian society and culture. He is considered a master of the short story, describing in them incredible situations so unusual as to get us laughing. At the same time, in these situations he enjoyed attacking “the prigs, snobs, bores, politicians, and other self-important comedians, spiteful old women, and silly, smug young ones” of his time. His tales feature delicately drawn characters and finely judged narratives. In his satire Saki was savage, like the wild animal or wild boy depicted; and as a jungle boy or lynx[links], he was operating in contradiction to the sedate[si`deit] society around him. But he was “performing” in the “drawing room” of the society he was criticising; he was an established member of an established class, even though he criticised it.
The story opens with a travelling by train of a woman with 3 children. The Aunt tries to entertain the children by telling them a story about a little good girl who is saved from a mad bull by her friends.
A bachelor is sitting on the same train observing the Aunt and her young charges. He offers to tell them a story. The bachelor's story is about a girl who is "horribly good," so good that she wore[wo:] on her dress three medals for goodness. As a further reward for her goodness, the girl is invited to visit the park that belongs to the local Prince. As the girl strolls through the park, she is attacked by a wolf. The girl hides behind a bush, but the wolf eventually locates her when her medals click against one another. The wolf devours[di`vaues] the little girl. The children love the story.
Thus, the story describes the idea of choosing the right way to interest children and touches on a problem of ___________________________________________________. Through