There are some negatives to autonomous car though, the two main ones being that you, as a driver, will not have total control of the car 100 percent of the time and that the car would be vulnerable to hackers as it is packed with all sorts of wireless communication like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC and radio just to name a few.
My opinion is that both those points are generally moot because both those risks are at play in most cars today. The hacking risk is totally possible today and has been done before, I have seen the video the article refers to and it is quite shocking that a couple of computer hackers can take control of a moving vehicle, potentially from the other side of the planet, and steer it straight into a ditch. I think that if anything hacking cars in the future will be harder than today because, with so much focus on wireless technology in the car, there is also going to be a lot of focus, time and energy spent on securities in those