
Arguments Against Animal Testing

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“The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality”. (Arthur Schopenhauer, the Basis of Morality). Although animal testing has contributed too many life saving cures and treatments, it is cruel and most experiments involving animals are flawed. In my opinion testing of these products should be used on the people that will be using these products rather than animals, whom have little relation to human beings. Testing products on humans instead of animals, not only guarantees a more accurate outcome, but it saves these animals from the horrific tests they have to endure. Some would argue that the reason we test on animals before humans is because humanity is the dominant species on earth and if we can save a human life before an animal than so be it. “According to Humane Society International, animals used in …show more content…

Imagine being force fed, burned and expected to recover while being watched as an experiment. This statement signifies only a little portion of how animal testing is cruel and inhumane. I fail to see what good or what knowledge may come from decapitating any animal for the so called “good” of humanity. Another way to look at it is when a human is born into this world they have an opportunity there is no limit to where their life could go, but as an animal its as if they have a high chance of being some scientists or big companies science experiment and well if the animal dies throughout the experiment whether it was successful or not they have plenty more to come, you won’t read on the front page of a newspaper ‘Duck Killed In an Unsuccessful Science

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