Task A
1. Continuity of care 2. Socialise and build relationships 3. Safety of service users and their health 4. Share information i.e. updates, changes
1. Builds up trust and good working relationships with both service users and colleagues, which, will help people feel confident in coming to you with information/needs or general chats which could then help with the care of a service user in the future or present time. 2. Helps promote continuity of care if everyone can communicate effectively , enabling everyone to give an overall better quality of care and effective team work.
1. Reading the individuals care plan – helps to find out if and how the service user can and does communicate. If the service user has difficulty the care plan will identify effective, personal ways of communication unique to that service user. 2. Talking with the service user and asking them – if they are able to communicate can be effective and respectful to ask them how best to do so. could be an elderly lady feels more comfortable speaking with someone who is older and more experienced rather than someone who is young and new to the job. 3. Asking colleagues or family members – colleagues who have known a particular service user a while may be able to give better and more effective techniques on how to communicate with someone. Also, if able to, asking a family member can be effective, could be that a service user communicates at better at certain times throughout the day or can give you memorable dates in which the service user could act/communicate differently depending on the memory of this date/time.
1. Tone of your voice 2. Volume of your voice 3. The level is which the service user is sat/stood. i.e. don’t stand over them come to their level or shout across a room.
Non - verbal 1. Facial expressions 2. Body language and posture