Bachelor of Business Administration Retail Operations – BBARO Semester 6 CA0032 – Retail Services Management (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1143)
ASSIGNMENT- Set 1 Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
1. Explain the importance of Service marketing. What are the basic differences between the marketing of goods and services? 2. Describe the employees’ role in service delivery. 3. Write a brief note on “extended service marketing mix for Retail” 4. What is meant by “service blueprint”? Explain its importance in modern retail. 5. A) What is “Service Level Agreement”? B) What do you understand by “Service level Management” and how important it is for retail organizations to manage service levels? 6. Discuss the importance of training and preparations for the service execution in an outlet like the Pizza Hut or Pizza Corner.
Feb 2011
Bachelor of Business Administration Retail Operations – BBARO Semester 6 CA0032 – Retail Services Management (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1143)
ASSIGNMENT- Set 2 Marks 60
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks
1. What are the factors affecting floor level execution in stores? 2. Take any music store as an example and explain the factors influencing live service execution in that store. 3. Write a brief note on the service operational challenges faced by the retail industry. 4. What is meant by customer profiling? Explain customer profiling in modern retail. 5. Write a brief note on “Service Performance Indicators”. 6. Illustrate with an example, the importance of service performance management at different levels of employees.