|Data Sources: X( Observation | X( Student Interview | X( Teacher Interview | X( Parent Interview | ( Rating Scales | ( Normative Testing |…
The purpose of my experiment was to change my study habits. Before beginning the assignment I started off only studying my classwork for about 1 to 2 hours a day. I readily noticed that this behavior needs to change to at least 3 to 4 hours a day, so I figured out a plan. The basic approach I used to change this behavior was to start going to the library more often rather than leaving and going straight home after class. I also started taking better class notes so that I could have something to review over than just my text book. By me putting in more hours of study time I should see a better outcome in my grades by the end of the semester.…
Behavior Intervention Plan Student: _John Smith____________ Grade: 5th____ School: Grand Canyon Elementary_____ Date Developed: _____________________ Date of Implementation: _____________________ Base Line Data Results: Hypothesis Statement: Person(s) Responsible for Implementing Plan: Behavior of Concern Behavior Defined Intervention Goal: Behavior Intervention Plan-page 2 Intervention Plan 1. 2. 3. 4.…
*Attending behavior these are the listening skills as well as out attending skills. This would include eye contact verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Giving all the attention to the client in this stage, we are here to here where the problems, issues or feelings are coming from.…
Interviewing clients can seem like a daunting task if the provider is unsure of the own skills. Adhering to the three stage of interviewing can ease the burden felt by both the provider and client. Stage 1 is exploration, this stage is meant to help clients identify their experiences and issues (Evans, Hearn, & Uhlemann, 2011, Chapter 1: Attending Behavior. p. 8). Reflective listening, questions, and behavior allow clients to feel heard and validated. Body language and verbal communication allow for open ended questions and reflective answers. This stage sets the tone for positive engagement between client and provider.…
Behavior Progress: Since William’s last court review, William has demonstrated some difficulty complying with managing his behavior and accepting his placement in the program. After his most recent court hearing, William was highly frustrated and presented a negative attitude towards his continuation in the program. William has verbalized that he was “sick of the program and everyone in it”. William’s frustration and negative disposition has been a major focus during individual sessions with staff. On March 13, 2016, William was observed by staff swinging a broom like a baseball bat during clean up and received a sanction. William was then asked to go to his room in which he initially failed to comply; he then began to argue with staff. Later…
• It is important that I pay attention to the client’s reactions when I speak to them because sometimes they may not understand what I am saying to them. Some clients have lost the ability to understand simple sentences and some requires time to process the words in their brain. I should talk clearly, slowly and calmly, this would make them feel comfortable and feel that they are…
QuikTrip’s purpose to give people the opportunity to grow and succeed has made it a favored place not only to work, but also to shop. QuikTrip (QT) is a Tulsa-based chain of convenience stores primarily found in the Midwestern and Southern United States. The first QuikTrip was opened in 1958 in Tulsa, Oklahoma by Chester Cadieux and Burt B. Holmes. QT promotes its gasoline as "high-quality" through guaranteeing it. In 2005, QT and Chevron were the first two retailers to earn a "Top Tier" rating from various automotive manufacturers. The "Top Tier" rating exceeds the United States Environmental Protection Agency's standards for gasoline additives. (http://www.quiktrip.com, 2013) QT stores are known for a wider-than-normal selection of fountain drinks, gourmet sandwiches, and grill items. QuikTrip locations are larger than the average convenience store, offering anywhere from 6 to 29 gas pumps and a large retail space inside offering high-volume items such as branded beer, soda, cigarettes, coffee, and candy. QT’s strategy is to be the dominant convenience/gasoline retailer by taking a lower gross margin on gasoline sales than its major competitors do, but makes up for the lower margins with greater volume. (Forbes 163, 1999)…
While on work experience at a Care Home, I saw how the Care workers used the following communication skills: Use of Open and Closed Questions, Positioning, Pace of Voice and Eye Contact. From the use of the communication skills I also saw how it made the service users feel.…
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is not a modification plan for students with difficult behaviors; it is a system for modifying the environment; as well as the way that teachers respond to these difficult behaviors. "Such environmental interventions, in turn, serve to make problem behavior less effective, efficient, and relevant and desired behavior more functional" (http://www.ldonline.org ). Teachers first should utilize a functional behavioral assessment in order to determine if there may be different reasons for similar behaviors. If behaviors originate from two different motives, each behavior should be dealt with using different support plans. Steps in assessing such behaviors are: Define the problem, answer key questions, observe and record antecedents, behaviors, and consequences, develop a plan, use the plan, revise the plan (Positive Behavioral Supports for Special Educators). PBS plans are being implemented nation wide to prevent and correct undesirable behaviors by first assessing what invoked the behavior.…
If a child becomes ill during the school day the class teacher and the first aid person will be informed.…
The importance of the Functional Behavior Assessments lies in the 1997 Reauthorization of IDEA that mandates “the use of FBA and BPS to address chronic and excessive problem behaviors” (Wheeler & Richey, 2010). More specifically IDEA states in Sec. 1414(d)(3)(B)(i), that: “In the case of a child whose behavior impedes his or her learning or that of others, the child’s IEP team must consider, when appropriate, strategies, including positive behavior intervention strategies and supports to address that behavior” (Wheeler & Richey, 2010)…
In the continual study of personality, two additional approaches have been analyzed to find that the personality is developed also by behavioral and social learning theories. The two theories are widely alike but viewed from different perspectives. The behavioral learning theory is studied that only the observable can contribute to the personality. Attitude change, student-teacher interaction and job satisfaction are the behaviorist’s perspective of behavioral learning. The understanding of the way a person acts in their environment is the consequence of how their behavior is social learning. An analysis of the behavioral and social learning of personality will give the readers an understanding of how their own personality can relate to one of the personality approaches.…
Behavior modification is being used to treat drug addiction by applying aspects of the learning theory, and establishing ways to eliminate drug use as a positive reinforcer and withdrawal as a negative reinforce (Abadinsky, 2014). This form of treatment attempts to search for new positive reinforcers for drug users (Abadinsky, 2014). Since the learning theory is associated with behavior, it’s important that reinforcers are available strictly after a certain behavior is displayed in order for behavior modification to work (Abadinsky, 2014). Behavior can be altered by using an aversive stimulation, which is an instance where a drug addict who just did their dose of drugs is quickly injected with a muscle relaxer, called Anectine (Abadinsky, 2014).…
This article sought to determine the application of the HBM with the uptake of the HPV vaccine, assess the marketing implications, and identify the enabling factors that can…