There are three main ways in which communication can become blocked:
■ If a person is unable to see, hear or otherwise receive the message.
■ If a person is unable to make sense of the message.
■ If a person misunderstands the message.
Message not received
The first kind of block where people do not receive the communication includes:
■ visual disabilities
■ hearing disabilities
■ environmental problems such as poor lighting, noisy environments, speaking from too far away.
People may not be able to sense a message - this is known as sensory deprivation. Visual and hearing disabilities may result in a person having feelings of isolation.
Message makes no sense
This may be as a result of the following:
■ The use of different languages including foreign languages and signed languages.
■ The use of different aspects of language such as. jargon - technical language slang - language that only certain groups of people use dialect - people from different areas make different sounds when they speak acronyms - initials that stand for words, such as GSCC (General Social Care Council).
■ The person receiving the message has physical and intellectual disabilities such as memory loss or learning disability.
Message misunderstood
The reasons for misunderstanding a message include:
■ Cultural differences - different cultures interpret non-verbal and verbal messages and humour in different ways. Assumptions about ethnic group, gender, disability and other groupings can lead to stereotyping and misunderstanding.
■ Emotional issues - very angry or very happy people may misinterpret communication from others. Aggression, distress or inappropriate behaviour may lead to misunderstanding.
■ Social setting - statements and behaviour that are understood by friends and family may not be understood by strangers. People might use different types of language in different