as it is through the process we can find the remedies to our shortcomings. Below are a few points that you can use to discuss ‘academic fitness’ with your daughter to maybe set some goals for better learning processes:
1. Research has found that the best predictors of academic performance are your attention span and persistence levels - how persistent and on task is your daughter in class and with tasks?
2. Engagement in class is not simply about good classroom behaviour, but a connection with learning - is your daughter connected with her learning?
3. Student-teacher relationships have a significant impact on engagement and success - how can your daughter use her teachers to her advantage? Is she actively participating and seeking out assistance?
4. Motivation is a fundamental part of engagement - what is her motivation level like for school? 5. Mutual respect drives high expectations, that lead to self-regulated learning where students can shape their own learning and goals - your daughter can only learn if she is ready to learn, what learning process goals can she set to support powerful learning?