When you are paid every two weeks, you eventually learn to pay bills and live life off of that bi-weekly paycheck. Becoming a server, you get paid every day. Paying bills, budgeting money and saving money can be difficult when you leave work with money in your pocket every time you end a shift. You should learn how to have discipline and self-control. You have some days when work is extremely slow and you make thirty dollars and other nights when it is extremely busy and you make eighty dollars. Learning to stay afloat when you only make thirty dollars can be stressful. …show more content…
Being an actual team player means going the extra mile to help the shift run smoothly. For example, cups, salsa, ice, and chips need to be replenished throughout the shift. It takes a crew full of team players to ensure everything is stocked in case of a rush. Everyone is assigned side work at the end of the night. Side work is a list of duties that need to be cleaned/done every shift to ensure the next shift runs smoothly. For example, there is a side duty chart with six duties within six boxes. These duties are split between servers. If a server doesn’t do their duties, the show can’t go on. Being a team player also means you get along with everyone well and have a good attitude. Be the person you want others to