Benetton Brouhaha
Is Benetton’s approach to advertising as depicted in “Benetton Brouhaha” more strategic or structural in nature?
The purpose of this paper is to practice critical thinking by applying elements of reasoning to the article “Benetton Brouhaha”. The question I will answer: “Is Benetton’s approach to advertising as depicted in the article more strategic or structural in nature?” I will approach this question by applying critical thinking concepts with an eye to the established Elements of Reasoning as they apply to the case. I will analyze the “Benetton Brouhaha” by looking at concepts, theories, definitions, axioms, laws, principles, and models; specifically by applying concepts from the Virtue Matrix and others as they apply. I will outline information; data, facts, observations, and experiences from the article itself and provide reference to related additional material. I will consider my own experience and perspective to bring balance to the observation. In the process where gaps in information exist, I will make certain assumptions and will state them as such, explaining why the assumption is relevant. I will consider all relative points of view, describing the stakeholders and why they are relevant. Finally, I will provide my interpretation/conclusion. I will answer the question of “Is Benetton’s approach to advertising as depicted in “Benetton Brouhaha” more strategic or structural in nature?” I will apply the applicable concepts of the elements of reasoning. As instructed, I will not address the implications and consequences of Benetton’s action.
The Virtue Matrix- Calculating Return on Corporate Responsibility by Roger L. Martin is a useful concept to help decide if the Benetton’s approach to advertising is strategic or structural in nature. What is meant by strategic versus structural and how does the Virtue Matrix help me answer that question?
Civil Foundation