Knowing that beane was capable of handling the situation he didn’t give him the easy way out. Beane had no other choice but to look at the situation differently, understanding that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. As a leader schott allowed Billy enough freedom to be a manager, but not bailing him out when thing weren’t looking so hot either. Cornering him in to finding his strength and challenging him to challenge the conventional and even when the results are shaky at first trusting him to continuing. Lines of communication were open and he was confident in his decisions. If he truly doubted billy it didn’t show. He was not domineering, he properly delegated which allowed for others he put in leadership positions to thrive and find well earned success. Without him there is not team or stadium or staff. He is not only proficient in leading, he is also an example for other leaders. He listens and trusts those under him depending on him. He exhibits adaptive leadership style, much like billy’s adaptive leadership style what ever need to be done in light of the situation there ready to move in that
Knowing that beane was capable of handling the situation he didn’t give him the easy way out. Beane had no other choice but to look at the situation differently, understanding that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. As a leader schott allowed Billy enough freedom to be a manager, but not bailing him out when thing weren’t looking so hot either. Cornering him in to finding his strength and challenging him to challenge the conventional and even when the results are shaky at first trusting him to continuing. Lines of communication were open and he was confident in his decisions. If he truly doubted billy it didn’t show. He was not domineering, he properly delegated which allowed for others he put in leadership positions to thrive and find well earned success. Without him there is not team or stadium or staff. He is not only proficient in leading, he is also an example for other leaders. He listens and trusts those under him depending on him. He exhibits adaptive leadership style, much like billy’s adaptive leadership style what ever need to be done in light of the situation there ready to move in that