According to Matthew’s parents, he is presenting with attention difficulties such as difficulty with sustaining attention, significant distractibility, no hyperactivity but wondering and absent-mindedness. Matthew often forgets his home-work, has difficulty providing accurate information, …show more content…
According to the parents, Matthew demonstrates distractibility even while playing sports such as baseball. He also has difficulty with reading comprehension and written expression. Matthew is noted to have poor handwriting, difficulty with organizing and elaborating ideas. He is also observed to be disorganized and forgetful. Matthew exhibits low self-esteem and significant anxiety. Feeling of sadness was also endorsed. He is observed to engage in behaviors such as biting his nails, pulling his hair etc. Some obsessive interests have also been reported. Matthew is obsessed with cars and has been fixated on some hobbies and interests in the past and currently. Since last few months, he has been very involved with making paper planes. According to his parents, Matthew spends a lot of his free time making paper planes and has made hundreds of paper planes. During testing, Matthew made 13 paper