
Bridging the Gap: The Effect of Verbal Incompetence between Students and Lecturers in IICS

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Bridging the Gap: The Effect of Verbal Incompetence between Students and Lecturers in IICS

Bridging the Gap: The Effect of Verbal Incompetence between Students and Lecturers in IICS

Mr. Mohd Khairul Irwan bin Mansor
Haikal A. Shah

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Research objectives
1.2 Research questions
1.3 Limitation
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Participant for the survey
3.3 Sampling method
3.4 Data collection procedure
3.5 Data analysis
Chapter 4: Findings
Chapter 5: Conclusion


Abstract: Communication incompetence is a matter that is not to be taken lightly by anybody, students and lecturers especially. This is because; this problem can have a negative side effect to students in their studies and social interactions. In this research, I would like to find out a few suggestions on how this communication problem can be bridged so that slowly, students of INTI International College Subang can take actions in order to decrease the gap they have between them and their lecturers and hopefully these suggestions that was given can help them to build up their self-confidence and boost up their charisma when communicating with their lecturers and/or generally.

Communication is a process of human beings responding to the symbolic behaviour of other persons. There are few types of communication such as Intrapersonal Communication, Dyadic/Interpersonal Communication, Small Group Communication etc. A competent communicator must have a wide range of behaviours, and must be able to choose the most appropriate behaviour.

Every students have their own ways to communicate with different people. And each students communicate with many kinds of people. In this research, I would like to know why there’s a barrier when students

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