What can an average college guy ask for in life? A good college football game in which their favorite team wins, some pretty girls, and a few drinks with some good food; all can be found in the nationally renowned joint called Buffalo Wild Wings. Located just off Price Forks Rd. in the college town of Blacksburg, Virginia, the franchise has established a reputation of serving authentic American food with the pleasurable experience of communal gathering for young people and the association with professional sports. As college students, it is hard to make ends meet, and ‘B-dubs’ (as it is known in common slang) gives you what it’s worth, giving a foreign student like myself an honest taste of American culture.
Nowhere in the world can you find a venture like Buffalo Wild Wings. The company founded in 1982 in Ohio quickly became a rapidly growing franchise, spreading to over 600 locations in North America. Walking in as a foreigner, it is overwhelming, seeing the many large screens and unrecognizable club emblems. The facility has a very mature feel to it because of the bar. The lighting is dim, highlighting the décor of the place, and allowing the plasma TV screens on which various sporting events are shown to stand out. There is a smell of oak wood seeping through my nostrils as I evaluate the polished wooden tables and think of the smoked meat on the grill. The main dining plaza is large, obviously meant to hold a large number of sports fans during tournaments, however during the midday hours in the middle of the week the place has only a few groups of people enjoying their lunch. As a sports bar, Buffalo Wild Wings attempts to create an environment of competition and with a sports event going on, it is always a bit noisy as the energetic aura envelops the diner.
Stunned by the grandiose nature of décor, I am brought back to reality by the voice of the waitress politely asking me to