Date: September 08, 2008
To: Trish Wong
From: Tan Wee Lee
Subject: Why we need to run the Fitness Centre
Here in Nanyang Mutual, we are very fortunate to have our own Fitness Centre right at our doorstep. The complex includes landscaped grounds, elegant offices, and a Fitness Centre featuring an indoor walking and exercise machines. The Fitness Centre was built because the management considered exercise to be an important benefit to offer its employees. With a range of benefits to our employees, it is not hard to understand why we should continue running the fitness Centre
It is universally accepted that exercise will bring about great health. With better health, the productivity will increase. The Claims department has actively rolled out a Wellness Program by using peer encouragement and teambuilding concepts to promote the use of Fitness Centre. Since the Wellness Program began eight months ago, productivity in the Claims department has risen by 18 percent and sick days have decreased by 5 percent as compared to the previous eight-month period. As such, increased productivity will definitely improve the company’s efficiency.
According to the medical costs for the previous 3 years, the 10 percent of employees who used the Fitness Centre 3 times a week or more showed medical costs of approximately $100 per person. The 25 percent of employees who used the centre once or twice a week showed medical costs of approximately $300 a person. The 65 percent of employees who never used the Fitness Centre rang up medical bills of approximately $500 per person. While we cannot attribute the reason for the decrease of medical costs to be solely exercising, we are able to say that exercising is a contributory factor to the situation. The above information also confirms the results of many scientific studies: exercise improves people’s health.
It took only eight months to inspire most of the Claims department