Before you go about laptop computer buying, be very sure how you will be using it. A laptop can be used for home use, entertainment, browsing and business related purposes and for various developmental, industrial and manufacturing and designing purposes. The needs of businessmen, students, casual users wishing to buy laptops will obviously be different. A business person would need all the packages of Microsoft like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and other packages like Paint, Photoshop, Tally etc. However, a student wishing to buy a laptop just for the sake of surfing the Internet would not need all these packages.
Laptop Processor
The laptop computer processor is one of the most important things you need to consider as it is considered as the brain of the computer. The advice to buyers will be to buy one which has a Intel Core Duo processor. The AMD Athlon Turion 64 X2 dual-core processor is also a very good when considered from the performance point of view. Check out the various 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors available in the market. The advanced silicon technology in the 64-bit processors makes them more useful for home and office levels. A 64-bit processor has a data bus which is 64-bit wide and can carry more information than the 32-bit processor which has a data bus which is 32-bit wide. The one vital thing you should remember is that if you want your 64-bit computer processor to work well, the capacity requirement of your Random Access Memory (RAM) will also increase. Read more on: 32 bit vs 64 bit processors.
Random Access Memory
Be aware of how much random access memory ( RAM) you will be needing and buy a laptop as per your requirements. For business and industrial purposes, you should ideally use the DDR3 memory specification. DDR2 is also a widely used memory specification in laptop computers. Depending on the use, you should decide how much RAM you need.