Module Code: SDH1042-N
Module Leaders: Carol Wylie & Jacquie Horner
Communicating with patients. A reflective account
This reflective account will focus on my experiences whilst on practice placement within an orthopedic elective surgery ward. I will be reflecting upon my feedback received via the 360 degree interpersonal skills assessment tool and the interpersonal and communication skills within the practice setting to develop and maintain therapeutic relationships with patients.
Within this reflection I have gained informed consent from patients and mentors and I have adhered to Teesside university guidelines when gaining consent also in conjunction …show more content…
I chose this experience as it is a procedure that I am quite confident with performing.
Thiroux (1995) created his own set of principles of ethics, which can be applied to any situation. 1) The value of life, 2) Goodness or rightness, 3) Justice or fairness, 4) truth telling or honesty and 5) individual freedom. Ethical acts are executed in every day life even if we acknowledge it or not, the way we greet colleagues and clients even in the way in which we say ‘good morning. Tschudin (1999) p175.
As a training professional we are accountable for our actions and therefore must be able to backup any decision making with evidence I could see from my client’s facial expressions that she was uncomfortable and was experiencing some sort of upset, during which in actual fact she was in a fair amount of pain.
Conclusion What else could you have done?
I felt that the approach I took was in the right way and with the right intentions set out by the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. My reflective experience was very basic I felt and did not allow for much discussion, although a lot of the experience was preparation, planning and assessing which prevented the experience to go bad in anyway. I feel that as I am a first year nursing student I am very limited in what I can do and because of this little opportunity is given to me to experience other than what I have preformed as a Health Care Assistant. I felt that myself and the Auxiliary …show more content…
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