Only with the help of improved laws, will colleges be able to truly improve their handlings of sexual assault cases. Sulkowicz case is the epitome of reason why rapists should not be allowed to walk free. Allowing rapists to go free damages the victim because they have to see their assaulter day after day. Victims of sexual assault often have PTSD and forcing them to worry about seeing their assaulter could cause them to relive their experience. As a result, there could be a traumatizing effect and a deeper fear set into their minds. Despite questions to the legitimacy of Sulkowicz’s alleged rape, her thesis project performs its intended purpose of showing exhibiting the need for improved rules and regulations for rapists and the need for more punishment against sexual assault
Only with the help of improved laws, will colleges be able to truly improve their handlings of sexual assault cases. Sulkowicz case is the epitome of reason why rapists should not be allowed to walk free. Allowing rapists to go free damages the victim because they have to see their assaulter day after day. Victims of sexual assault often have PTSD and forcing them to worry about seeing their assaulter could cause them to relive their experience. As a result, there could be a traumatizing effect and a deeper fear set into their minds. Despite questions to the legitimacy of Sulkowicz’s alleged rape, her thesis project performs its intended purpose of showing exhibiting the need for improved rules and regulations for rapists and the need for more punishment against sexual assault