Her education history is interesting. She graduated at her hometown community college and transfer to University of El Paso (UTEP) 12 years ago. After she earns her bachelor’s degree, she worked as a nurse for 7 years. When she worked as a nurse, she had more passion about help people and she realized that she love working with using her leadership rather than a staff nurse, so she wanted be more grade up to her career. She works as a case manager for around 3 years at this facility and worked 2 years in other hospital.
Case management framework consists of knowledge
if you know and care about the customer support system effectively an administrator. It contains nine essentials knowledge of the case management process and the seven domains for a variety of health care professionals responsible for the application and any treatment or case manager in a real environment (Case Management Knowledge, n.d). Also, case manager who lives in various aspects of the work, and families with children, seniors, disabled, recovering addicts, the mentally ill, immigrants, ex-offenders and the homeless to work to be you. These actions are the details of each of their specific needs and requirements (Case Manager Job Description, n.d). Case management clients of the Department of Health Services requires the meeting to order desired option and Services, Planning
Running Head: Case Manager Interview-(Week 3) 3
Assessment Implementation coordinate, monitor and evaluate collaborative process is. It promotes the advocacy, communication and resource management features, quality and cost-effective interventions and results (Definition and Philosophy of Case Management, n.d).