As Information technology is constantly advancing and gaining recognition worldwide, the health care sector is not exempted from this wind of technological change.
The move towards a patient-centric improved services is central to Jaiden Health Centre’s core objectives and goals. The main driving force behind this move is the desire to provide the best possible standard of care to all in- and out-patients, beginning from improvements in how Jaiden Health Centre handles her patients Medical Records to how diagnostic and therapeutic decisions are taken once the patient arrives at the facility for medical care.
The main aim of this proposal is to proffer solutions that will lead to improvement, simplification of the entire workflow …show more content…
At inception, it was the foremost centre receiving many referral cases from hospitals in the vicinity due to its reputation as being the best in class for the management of infectious …show more content…
Confidentiality and Security – The systems have security features in line with the country’s laws and regulations. The hardware also meets the stipulated requirements and are not dangerous or pose any threat to life.
In event of a cyber-attack or ransomware attack, all data entered into the system are backed up in the cloud storage space which can be easily accessed. Hence data integrity and data security can be guaranteed at all times.
Clinical Decision Support – An alert is triggered via the system, once a patient’s data shows there is a need for critical intervention e.g. In the case of abnormal test results. Also, occasional prompting from the system to management level staff on care plans and need for guideline update or improvement.
Reporting – The system has the capability to generate a number of reports, depending on the query issued. The reports can also be routed to specific people. These report types could range from:
1. Number and names of patients that visited
2. List of patients that presented with a particular condition or ailment in a period of time