Advantages of a legal minimum wage:
It should prevent strong employers from exploiting unskilled workers who could not easily find another job
As many unskilled workers will be receiving higher wages, it might encourage employers to train them to make sure that they are more productive.
It will encourage more people to seek work. There should be fewer shortages of workers.
Low-paid workers will earn more and will be able to afford to spend more.
Disadvantages of a legal minimum wage:
It increase business costs which will force them to increase prices.
Some employers will not be able to afford these wage rates. They may make workers redundant instead. Unemployment may rise.
Other workers receiving just above the minimum level may ask for higher wages to keep the same differential between themselves and lower paid workers. Business costs will again increase.
Health and safety laws in the workplace is extremely important, not only because it protects employees, but also because productivity increases when workers are happy and healthy. It makes sure that all employers are protected from dangerous machinery, provide safety equipment and clothing, maintain reasonable workplace temperatures, provide hygienic conditions and washing facilities and do not insist on excessively long shifts and provide breaks in the work timetable.
Activity 8.9:
A) No I don't as she lived up to the requirements and didn't get the things agreed. She did not receive a contract of employment as promised after one month trial.
B) Dear Manager
As Gowri's legal adviser, I find the dismissal and treatment of my client very unacceptable. If Gowri has stolen from the workplace or anything like that, dismissal would be reasonable, but that is not the case here. A dismissal for joining a trade union is very unfair and if you kept your promises, she didn't even had to join one. As a business you are not