How can celebrity branding contribute to creating more brand awareness?
How can celebrity branding contribute to creating more brand awareness?
Problem statement
This report will cover the subject celebrity branding and how this can contribute to creating more brand awareness. Celebrity branding is a well-known, worldwide and commonly used strategy, in which celebrities collaborate with a particular brand to promote a product or service. Celebrities can draw attention to a brand, create positive associations and shape perceptions in consumers heads, based on the knowledge consumers have about a certain celebrity. More and more companies have jumped on to this celebrity endorsement brandwagon these days, to achieve the purpose behind this strategy: creating more brand awareness.
Primary and secondary data have been used to write this report. However secondary data is mainly used in means of notes taken from the book ‘Strategic Brand Management- Keller’, online articles and data provided from the lecturer.
This report does not cover celebrity branding within other industries than the Fashion industry. What can be advantages from using a celebrity branding strategy?
Celebrity Branding has been used a numerous amount of times and therefore exists for quite a while already. The fact that it has been used this often is not without a reason. It can have a great effect on the visibility of the brand as well as on creating product relevance. A couple of important advantages from using a celebrity branding strategy will be given below. * The approval of a celebrity for a product or service can create a sense of trust for a brand among a target group. Especially in case of new products or services. * Celebrities ensure brand awareness at the target group, by making the brand more visible. * It can increase brand loyalty, in means of its celebrity fans trust; fans love their idols and therefore
References: –Electronic VENTURE PUBLIC(2012) Branding and Celebrity Endorsements. Available from: (Accessed 02/05/2012) WORLDLYWRITER (2003) Celebrities’ Impact on Branding. Available from: (Accessed 02/05/2012) TOM MCKENNA WORDPRESS(2010) Is the celebrity endorsement dead? Available from: (Accessed 04/05/2012) CHILLI BREEZE (n.d.) Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on a Brand. Available from: (Accessed 02/05/2012) WIKEPEDIA (2012) Celebrity Branding [online]. Available from: (Accessed 02/05/2012) -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ].