Cellulite occurs when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, under the skin,often in the buttocks and thigh areas, but also on arms, …show more content…
1. Eat a clean unprocessed diet: In order to remove the toxins from your body, you must first draw them out from where they have accumulated in your cells, tissues and organs. The way to do this is to consume alkaline forming foods. All fresh fruits and vegetables are alkaline and should make up the largest part of your diet.The alkalinity of these fresh, life force rich foods magnetizes to the acidic toxic matter in your cells, drawing it out so it can be removed from your body.
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Skin brushing and massage: Stimulating the lymphatic system just underneath the surface of your skin through dry bristle skin brushing and massage helps toxins to be circulated into the elimination channels for release.Skin brushing can specifically target areas of cellulite. Using a skin brush in small circular movements over your thighs, butt and other areas with cellulite for a few minutes a few times per week will help to break down the fatty deposits that cause the dimpled appearance. It is best to start with just a minute of skin brushing and then work your way up to a few minutes at a time. This will help your skin adjust and prevent sensitivity.Cellulite reduction is also possible by nourishing your skin with moisturizing natural oils and creams such as coconut oil, olive oil or a gorgeous organic