Cast: Zoe the cat, Fluffles the cat, Narrator the non-cat, Dog the dog, Kelly the cat, Casper the cat, and Señor Don Gato the el gato (Señor).
Scene: In Zoe’s house, which is decorated for a party.
(Knock on the door.) Zoe: Who is it? Fluffles: (Outside door.) It is me, your friend fluffles! Zoe: Oh, Come in! The door is open! Fluffles: No it is not. The door is closed! Zoe: I mean it is not locked. Fluffles: Oh, now I get it! (Opens door. He is on stilts. He walks in and closes the door.) Zoe: Oh, Fluffles. How much you have grown! Fluffles: I’m on stilts. Zoe: Oh, Why? Fluffles: Because I’m too lazy to carry them. Zoe: Why do you need them? Fluffles: Because it is a gift from me to you. Zoe: Thank …show more content…
Kelly: Bop. Zoe: Mama John’s. Kelly: Mama John’s. Zoe: Today. Kelly: Today. (Finishes dialing.) Phone: Hello, this is Mama John’s. Can I take your order please? But first do you want me to state our menu?
Yes or No? Zoe: Yes. Phone: Did you say no? Yea, you said no. Zoe: Wait! Phone: Ok, so you want the extra ,extra large deluxe wait pizza. What topping? Zoe: I just want to see the menus. Phone: Ok, you want the extra ,extra large deluxe wait pizza. And menus on top. Sounds real healthy. Because of Caller ID and extra fast delivery service we will be there in two seconds. Your total is every French hen you own. (Two seconds later…) Computer Voice: INTRUDER ALERT! EXTERMINATE ALL INTRUDERS! And I smell pizza! Casper: I guess it’s here. (Zoe opens door on ship, the one leading out to the large fighting platform.) Tiny Ant: Your pizza delivery. Zoe: But I ate… Tiny Ant: Yea, you ate me, but I got out. Now give me all your French hens. Zoe: But I don’t have any. Tiny Ant: That’s fine. You already paid me all your French hens if none is all you have. Zoe: Ok, thanks for the pizza. Kelly: I hope it’s good. I’ve never tried wait pizza. Fluffles: With a menus on …show more content…
--- Narrator: The cats got out of the wormhole. Zoe: I can see planet cat, but we best refuel at Planet Hug. Space Troll: (Comes out of nowhere. He’s in space but is speaking to the cats in the ship) If you know what’s good for you, you would not pass. Kelly: We don’t know what’s good for us. Space Troll: Oh. (Leaves.) Señor Don Gato: Yea, some of us drink milk even though we will puke if we do. (Ship approaching Planet Hug.) Zoe: WOW! Dalek ship fuel is so expensive! Casper: How much is it? Zoe: 10 hugs a gallon! That would make our arms sore after 100,000 hugs. Señor Don Gato: MY SMELLY TACOS! I have never seen Dalek fuel so expensive! Fluffles: Me neither. Zoe: We best land. Kelly: Ok, as long as you pay. Zoe: We will all play. (Lands ship in a parking lot, taking it all up.) ---
Scene 9
Cast: Cats, Punk Guy, Radio, Tiny Ant.
Scene: Refueling at Planet Hug.
(Cats are outside the ship.) Casper: LOOK! There is a carnival on this planet! Zoe: We might go after we refuel the ship. Fluffles: To your relief it is only 0.0000001 hugs a