COME April and all the youngsters eagerly look forward to the summer break. Af¬ter a long spell of rigorous studies and the stress of exams, nothing can be more welcome! After spending time 'chilling out' (euphemism for hanging out with friends, bingeing on junk food and freaking out at the movies!), it is the right time also to assay a part time job and get some valuable work experience. Now with MNCs and various call centres offering part time job facilities, you really don't have to look far to get a summer job. And what better way to get familiar with the concept of work culture, hone your interpersonal skills and put your 'book' knowledge into practice.
Don the right feathers
If you are so lucky to have snaffled a part time job with a corporate organisation, make sure you behave like one too, from day One. Do not walk into your new office in your patched jeans and that tantra T-shirt. The corporate culture demands a dress code and this is the time to get used to the new look you are going to sport in the near future. Grunge may be in outside, but in offices its definitely 'Out'! Dress appropriately in clean and well ironed clothes teamed with clean, polished shoes. If there is no strict dress code you can wear your clean jeans and an ironed T-shirt but never shorts even on a Friday. Young women will do well not to wear figure Hugging tops or skimpy skirts. Decency does not permit distraction!
Mind your manners
Organisations are stringent about work ethics too. Every organisation has its own rules and regulations. Unless you want your career to end even before it begins, stick to the rules. A few other guidelines: be polite in your speech and take your job seriously. Show respect to one and all, and honour your commitments. Also remember never to interrupt your colleagues or superiors at work. It's not only irritating but bad manners too.
Lend your ears
The first job can be quite intimidating and if you are amidst experienced people, you are