America’s 4th best Hospital
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic, formerly known as the Cleveland Clinic Foundation was founded in 1921. It
Originally started as a group practice by four doctors, three of which worked as surgeons in the Army Medical Unit in France, after their return to the U.S.; the fourth doctor, was invited as an
Intern who became part of the practice. These four doctors had a vision: “Striving to be the
World’s leader in patient experience, clinical outcomes, research and education.” Their
Mission was to “Better care of the sick, investigation into their problems, and further education
To those who serves.” Cleveland Clinic is a private and non-profit academic medical …show more content…
Cleveland Clinic also provides a children’s hospital, and other division of medical centers. Cleveland Clinic welcomes any and every one to become a part of their learning and clinical
Environment. With research centers such as Lener Research Institute, The Education Institute
(Oversees many of the world-class training programs offered to physicians, nurses, medical
Students, residents and fellows, allied health professionals and outside healthcare executives; ), Cleveland’s Clinic for Continuing Education, Lerner College of
Medicine, the clinic provides a variety of training programs for doctors interns, residents, and
Medical staff for continuing and furthering education. Not only medical students count on
Cleveland Clinic, but patients as well. Since the hospital has opened their doors, patients have
Been known to come from different states for the best of care. Cleveland clinics: Patients First-
“Patients First” is the guiding principle of Cleveland Clinic. It declares the primacy of patient
Care, comfort and communication in every activity we undertake. It af- firms the importance …show more content… ) This company have remained true their vision and
Mission. They have excelled in specialized medical care supported by comprehensive research
And education, they have developed, evaluated, applied, and share new technology, they have
Attracted the best qualified medical, scientific and support staff, and most important they have
Excelled in their services. I think if every clinic or business have a vision and mission and stick
To it they would become just as successful.
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Formatted References
Cleveland Clinic, (2009). U.S. News Report (
Cleveland Plain Dealer, (July 16, 2013). Cleveland Clinic named no.1 heart program in the country for the 19th consecutive year. (
Leonard, Kimberly (2013). “Best Hospitals 2013-2014”, Overview and Honor Roll U.S News and World Report (July 16, 2013). (
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