No one says that going to college will be easy and surely is not. Students nowadays don’t have the right focus to finish their college. They now know how hard it is going to be a student in college. As a result many of them drop out of college for different causes. Lack of funding, family/personal problems and poor language skills are three causes why students drop out college.
One of the causes why students drop out college is because of lack funding. Unless a student is lucky enough to have rich parents or have a good financial aid, the students is going to be force to work full time or take out loans, which at the end will be even worse to pay. Students with low-income families are dependent on their financial aid. This usually covers a lot, but in some case it is barely enough to cover everything in college. Some students have lot of expenses, such as gas, dorms and food. These expenses make it difficult for the student to finish college.
Another cause is personal and/ or family issues. Nowadays, parents want their children to get married very young or some students face an “unexpected” pregnancy, which it is normal in these days. When they face those problems, they have to work full time to supply enough money for their family. Such things will reduce the time they were spending on learning. Gradually, they are not going to have no time for studying. Also, taking care of ill parents or other loved ones and working at the same time to help struggling parents make more obvious the decision to dropping college.
The last cause is poor language skills. The success or failure of a student in college depends on how well the student knows the language where he or she is studying. A student has to be able to read, write, speak and listen effectively. Being ineffective on at least one of these can lead to academic difficulty. Language problems are not necessarily related to intelligence, but it will be very good if a student can have