Racism > Everything Else
Race is the biggest issue right now in the United States. Race is main cause of social and economic problems. Racism has been around for hundreds of years. There are other problems in our society like poverty, gender issues, and environmental issues. Some may believe that poverty is the biggest issue because of the amount of people in poverty in our country today, some may believe gender issues is the biggest problem right now because it doesn’t allow people to express themselves, and some may believe environmental issues are the problem because it affects the whole world. Others may believe that race is the biggest issue because it has been around for so many years and it’s one of the first problems the society faced in the U.S. It is hard to determine which of these issues is the biggest issue because they all affect our lives in one way or the other. Even though this is true, racism is the biggest issue. Race deserves our immediate attention because racism is the cause of the majority of people in poverty, racism affects your upbringing, and racism has been around for a longer period of time. Racism is the cause of the majority of people in poverty. The majority of people in poverty are minorities. This is because of White Flight and unequal pay whites and blacks get. An article states that, “White flight contributed to the draining of cities’ tax bases when middle-class people left.” This means that once whites left the neighborhoods, these neighborhoods became worthless. This left the minorities in poor neighborhoods because whites didn't want to coexist in the same neighborhoods. This is also because of the systemic racism when it comes to income. A white man and a black man could have the same job, with the same skill, with the same experience, but the white man would still be paid more. In a chart showing the average weekly income by race and gender, African American males make $621 and the African