The society in which Equality lives believes that life requires happiness. However, one must only harbor happiness if the rest of society is also happy, revealing the absurdity of this society. Equality writes, “It is forbidden, not to be happy… the will of all men together is good for all; and so all men must be happy” (45, 46). Through this, one sees how Ayn Rand conveys an utopian theme. This society believes that happiness only occurs when a betterment of society arises, and an action benefits everyone. Rand purposefully creates an image of a utopia to portray how much a society truly influences a single person’s thought. Without the heavy influences of society in Anthem, Equality could have already been practicing personal happiness, thus showing the effect this abnormal society has on its people. Further, Equality describes the strictness in the society. He explains the improper gesture of showing delight. “It is not proper to smile without reason” (29). As seen, Rand additionally displays the setting of a stringent community by exploring ideas that seem preposterous in today’s society. Equality knows how it is unacceptable to smile, hence making him wonder why things continue in such a way. Additionally, the impropriety of smiling without reason is ironic considering that Equality previously explained that everyone in this society must be
The society in which Equality lives believes that life requires happiness. However, one must only harbor happiness if the rest of society is also happy, revealing the absurdity of this society. Equality writes, “It is forbidden, not to be happy… the will of all men together is good for all; and so all men must be happy” (45, 46). Through this, one sees how Ayn Rand conveys an utopian theme. This society believes that happiness only occurs when a betterment of society arises, and an action benefits everyone. Rand purposefully creates an image of a utopia to portray how much a society truly influences a single person’s thought. Without the heavy influences of society in Anthem, Equality could have already been practicing personal happiness, thus showing the effect this abnormal society has on its people. Further, Equality describes the strictness in the society. He explains the improper gesture of showing delight. “It is not proper to smile without reason” (29). As seen, Rand additionally displays the setting of a stringent community by exploring ideas that seem preposterous in today’s society. Equality knows how it is unacceptable to smile, hence making him wonder why things continue in such a way. Additionally, the impropriety of smiling without reason is ironic considering that Equality previously explained that everyone in this society must be