Prepared For:
Professor ---
York College of PA
Prepared By:
TygaStyle, Student
York College of PA
2 August 2012
Introduction On April 16, 2007, Seung Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA in two separate attacks about two hours apart (Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech, 2007; Worth, 2008). Those shots were heard around the world as people tried to grasp one of the deadliest murders in United States history. The Department of Educational Statistics shows that crimes on college campuses exist. Crimes include, but are not limited to, murder, rape, robbery, and assault. It is essential that individuals can feel safe as they are gaining their education. It is interesting that after the Virginia Tech massacre, people were advocating tighter restrictions on gun laws. This is inappropriate, as the problem at hand was not the guns themselves, but rather the mentally ill individual using the guns. Since when do criminal respect gun laws! Perhaps by allowing students and professors to carry weapons, the Virginia Tech massacre could have been diminished and addressed more quickly had students and/or professors been permitted to carry concealed weapons. Permitting concealed weapons could better ensure safety on college and university campuses.
Statement of the Problem Currently concealed weapons and weapons of any kind are prohibited on college and university campuses. The big problem that exists on college campuses is that numerous crimes exist, such as murder, rape, robbery, and assault. Department of Education statistics show that in 2001 610 murders occurred on college campuses. From 2005-2007 more than 100 murders occurred. In recent years the Virginia Tech shooting claimed the lives of both students and professors. The only individuals armed in these shootings and murders were the aggressors.
References: Goral, Tim. “Guns on Campus. University Business (2012): 42-44. Print. Fennell, Reginald. “Concealed Carry Weapon Permits: A Second Amendment Right or a Recipe for Disaster on our Nation’s Campuses?” Journal of American College Health 58.2 (2009): 99-100 Hood, III., M. V. “Packin’ in the Hood?: Examining Assumptions of Concealed-Handgun Research.” Social Science Quarterly, 81.2 (2000): 523-537 Kolzlowski, James C. “Right to Bear Arms Limited in ‘Sensitive’ Public Facilities.” Parks and Recreation (2011): 33-38 McLelland, Sandra J. and Frenkil, Steven, D. “Banning Weapons on Campuses: The Battle is Far from Won.” Chronicle of Higher Education 55.23 (2009): 44-46 Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech “Report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel"Commonwealth of Virginia (2007). Wiseman, Rachel Traction.” Chronicle of Higher Education 58.8 (2011): 16-17. Print.