Every day consumers have to decide to buy products and services more than once. A consumer passes through many processes in making choices about which products and services to buy, which is the consumer’s buying decision process. During the decision making process of buying behaviour, in recognition of the problem, the consumer begins to search information and then evaluates alternatives according to qualifications (price, quality and image) of product/service or brand. When the consumer has enough information, they make a choice between the alternatives and then they buy it. Several factors which are individual and environmental affect consumers in
Every day consumers have to decide to buy products and services more than once. A consumer passes through many processes in making choices about which products and services to buy, which is the consumer’s buying decision process. During the decision making process of buying behaviour, in recognition of the problem, the consumer begins to search information and then evaluates alternatives according to qualifications (price, quality and image) of product/service or brand. When the consumer has enough information, they make a choice between the alternatives and then they buy it. Several factors which are individual and environmental affect consumers in