Employer/ Employee Rights & Responsibilities.
1.0 Introduction
On 13 March 2008 Pat Harrison asked Sadia Warsame to write reports on the Contract of Employments. This report will be used to help the readers to gain more Knowledge and Information.
2.0 Procedure
Information was obtained by
2.1 Visiting www.acas.org.uk .
2.2 Reading a book called Glossary of Employment Terms by Peter Chandler.
2.3 At work from colleuages.
3.0 Findings
3.1 Contract of Employment.
Contract of Employment is a contract between an employer and employee, established after an offer of employment is made by the employer and accepted by the employee. Contracts of employment may be expressed orally or in writing and they can be open-ended or for fixed-time or fixed-purpose. The terms of contract of employment may be oral, written, implied or a mixture of all three. If an employee works for the employer a month or longer, The employer must give them a written statement of specified terms and conditions within two months of starting their employment with the Employer. Your contract of employment is a legally binding agreement and obliges both you and your employer to keep to the terms of employment spelled out in it. These terms can of course be changed at any time by mutual agreement.
3.1.1 Employer's Responsibilities.
Your employer must provide you with either an employment contract or a statement of the terms and conditions of your employment within two months of your starting date.
The document should include all terms and conditions that you have agreed with your employer, including your start date, hours of work, starting salary (which should specify gross or net), holiday entitlement etc. It should also include their agreement to operate PAYE on your behalf. Your employer must provide you training and safe and healthy workplace environment.
The contract might also include a detailed description of your duties,