Controlling is verifying whether everything occurs according to plans adopted, instruction issued and priciples established. Controlling is to ensure there is effective and efficient utilization of organizational resources to achieve the planned goals. Controlling measures the deviation of actual performance from the standard performance, discover the causes of such deviations and taking necessary corrective actions.
Measuring actual performance
In 2 weeks duration the directors and high committee will have meetings to discuss about the current situation of the MMU Career Fair. They will assess whether the event is running smoothly according to the plan. Basically, the performance will be determined by 4 ways: * Personal observation * Statistical reports * Oral reports * Written reports
Personal observation
The directors of the MMU Career Fair will come and see whether the current going is up to expectation. They will compare with past year events and see how much progress have been done as a team.
Statistical reports
During the team meetings they will come up with a statistical reports regarding the events. Usually they will compare the statistics with last year’s and see how much has been done. The statistical reports consists of the budgeting, number of company’s turnover, estimation of expecting visitors to the fair, and the feedbacks received from the visitors.
Oral and written reports
Each week the team will have a meeting when the Directors will come and share verbal reports. This verbal reports will be discussed thoroughly by random exchange of words with other team members. The event Secretary will then write them as future reference.
Comparing actual performance against a standard
There is a standard set to the event by the team members. Usually it is the last year and the last two years.