One place where cosmetologists work is in a salon. Salons hold beauticians, Cosmetologist, and barbers for their business. Cosmetologist usually work mostly in pleasant surroundings with excellent lighting. They are mainly on their feet for most of their shifts. For clothing Cosmetologist are exposed to chemicals that cause skin irritation, so they wear gloves and protective clothing. Cosmetologists work full time, but part-time is very common. People who run their own salon or barber shop have very many hours. The work environment is fairly decent, but you’ll need your education to become a Cosmetologist. According to Beauty Schools Directory cosmetology requires a GED from high school and have to graduate from a state licensed Cosmetology school. Training for cosmetology could be taken at beauty, cosmetology, or barber schools. Classes that help students for Cosmetology is mostly, math measurements and english. Clubs and skills that’d help prepare a student is biology (mixing chemicals), measurements, and/or math. In schooling for cosmetology there are many topics to focus on. Math is the most important for measuring, but you can also learn prices and …show more content…
It’s stated on P.A. Career Zone that workers who begin this job start at a hourly wage of $9.73 per hour. The median wage is $23,710. The highest pay scale for Cosmetology is $12.72 per hour ( Cosmetology would be good for someone who doesn’t want to have kids because they’ll have a decent wage to live a higher life style.
In Cosmetology there’s very few ways to advance. One way that someone can advance is when you start working you’ll be responsible for building clients. Yet another advancement is being more demand for the clients. Finally, a person who chooses Cosmetology can move forward by having great people skills. Cosmetology has a very tolerant people skills and with clients you need the outlook. The job outlook is known to increase in the up coming future. According to Beauty Schools Directory employment for Cosmetology right now is 7%. In the future, it is expected that opportunities in this career field will increase. By the year 2024 employment for Cosmetology will increase to 10%. Cosmetology will increase in the up coming future. Cosmetologist do hair, nails, and makeup. I learned that this job only has two different degrees. I found interesting that how far this job will grow above average. Cosmetology is necessary so it boost confidence. I would recommend this job to others if they have a fun creative