It is important to support children’s self-confidence and self-esteem because children who are assertive, self-confident, self-aware and have high self-esteem are less likely to be venerable to abuse. In my setting I make sure that every time a child achieves something I give them lots of praise. I tell the children all the time how clever they are whether it is because they have drawn a picture or used a cup for the first time. In my room they children are 0-1 so often I will clap or cheer giving them lots of smiles so they understand they have done something great. Other ways to encourage self-confidence are by giving the children choice and encouraging independence I do this by offering the children different options …show more content…
A child should never feel uncomfortable about someone they are with or something that is being done to them. It is therefore important to educate children so they are aware of dangers posed to them and how to avoid those threats. It is important that children understand there bodies and how they work in an age appropriate way. The Keepsafe Code is an effective way of getting the message across to young children. Older children need more detailed and relevant information such as sexual function, drugs and sexual infections. As the children are young in my setting I often use everyday things to teach them such as if they are in the garden and over by the gate I will explain that we don’t talk to strangers through the gate or receive items off any people, I will ask them why they think we should not do this and explain it to them also. Another example is just general conversation when doing things like hand washing again asks them why they think we wash our hands before snacks and build on their ideas. Then as the pass through the years of an educational setting they will continue to build their