Pekin Illinois is a relatively small community located in Central Illinois half way between St. Louis and Chicago. It boasted a total community population of 33857 during the last census period of 2008. The total population consisted of roughly a 50/50 male to female ratio with a median age of 37.1 and represented 94.4% Caucasian, 2.4% African American, 1.9% Hispanic and 1.1% Asian races. Due to this population mix many of the culturally and racially indicated diseases states, such as type 2 diabetes, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular diseases are not as prevalent as coronary heart disease and other related diseases such as heart failure, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and obesity.
For this paper the focus will remain on the population of Caucasian males located in this geographic area with the generally categorized chronic disease state of heart disease. This category will include conditions such as aneurysms, angina, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, diastolic dysfunction, endocarditis, hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapsed, myocardial ischemia, myocarditis and valve disease. The reason for choosing this population in this geographic area is due to the unique, almost homogenous population.
According to internal documentation of the community hospital located in Pekin Hospital, in 2009, the hospital treated 2712 Caucasian males between the age of 45 and 84 for cardiovascular disease. This number represents 45.6% of the target population within the primary demographic of Caucasian males, aged 45-84 in this area based upon the following formula: 11877 total aged 45-84, 501% of the total being males, 11877 x .5 = 59369, 2712/5939 = 45.6%.
This number is interesting when directly compared to the United States national average of cardiovascular disease being 27% of the population. Although