Dental Assisting Careers
The dental assistant takes on significant responsibilities as a member of the dental health care team. Assistants greatly increase the efficiency of the dentist in the delivery of quality oral health care and are valuable members of the dental care team. If you have strong communication skills, enjoy working with your hands and mind, and want a career with responsibility, dental assisting is for you.
The best way to become a dental assistant is to receive a formal education. Studying in a Commission on Dental Accreditation program provides an education foundation based on the latest procedures and techniques. In some areas of the country, dental assistants can begin their careers without a college degree; however, education is encouraged. So, if a career in health care and 1-2 years of formal education appeals to you, then dental assisting is a career you will want to explore.
Dental assistants may be the most valuable asset to a dental practice. In addition to performing technical duties, they play an important role in helping patients feel comfortable before, during, and after dental treatment. A career as a dental assistant offers many challenges. In addition to assisting the dentists during a variety of procedures, assistants also take and develop dental radiographs (X-rays), sterilize instruments and equipment, and take impressions of patient's teeth.
What is a Dental Assistant?
A Certified Dental Assistant is a vital member of the dental healthcare team. They are oral health care professionals trained to provide supprtive procedures to the dentist and the patients.
What Dental Assistants Do?
The duties of a dental assistant are among the most comprehensive and varied in the dental office. The dental assistant performs many tasks requiring both interpersonal and technical skills. Assisting the dentist during a variety of treatment procedures. Taking and developing dental radiographs (X-rays). Asking