
Difference Between Animal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane

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Difference Between Animal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane
Animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Common animals used in research labs are rats and mice. Animals are subjected to experiments that deal with drug testing, disease infection, maiming, and some painful invasive procedures. There are fairly high casualty rates before the studies are concluded and many animals are disposed off after the study is completed because they are no longer of use. Common lab procedures that require extensive training are anesthetization, intubation and euthanasia. However, these procedures can potentially cause a lot of pain and discomfort when performed improperly.

Chemical testing on animals has led to the discovery of many life-saving treatments and cures to infectious diseases. Some animals benefit from the result of animal testing for illnesses and their treatments. There is not an actual adequate alternative to testing on a living individual other than human primates and nonhuman primates. However, technology is evolving and there are now a few other alternative methods that can replace the use of animals. These methods also deem to be less expensive than animal testing.
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Animals are similar to humans in some ways. They both are living creatures that respond to their environment and pressured conditions, however, the anatomy of animals is very different from that of humans. Therefore, these experiments can have various harmful effects on them that a human may not experience. Medicinal and cosmetic chemical products may pass animal testing, but are not completely safe. If there is no way to be completely sure, is it really worth potentially harming these defenseless

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