
Differences And Similarities Between George Brown And Ocad

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Differences And Similarities Between George Brown And Ocad
Plagiarism is acting of taking credit for someone’s work. According to Teitel, E (November 8, 2011), “Plagiarism is meant to be an inherently moral error, not a technical one.” , and that is why Plagiarism commonly called cheating and stealing. To prevent Plagiarism, every school including George Brown College and OCAD University, has their own policies and penalties. In addition, both post-secondary institutions assign similar punishments about awarding a zero score in assignment and course or, suspension from the school. However, George Brown and OCAD differ in minimum standards for offenses. Thus, OCAD has more stern policy and punishment.

Fundamentally, George Brown and OCAD have strict policies and punishments. In the big picture, both school’s penalties can be divided of three stages depending on the intensity of the offenses. For the first plagiarism schools will mark zero score in the assignment or course, and for the second offense, he/she will be suspend from the school during minimum six months or more. Moreover, for the third violation, students will be expelled from the schools period a few years. In addition, according to the Penalties For Academic Misconduct from OCAD(May 25, 2016), and Plagiarism/Academic Honesty Policy from George Brown(April, 2015) all those inappropriate actions will place on student’s transcript.
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For example, compare with George Brown, in OCAD’s policy, the school will award zero score to students directly in their academic offenses. According to the Penalties in Academic Misconduct from OCAD-What is plagiarism? (May 25, 2016) “Images or text be represented as the student’s original work”. In the contrast, in George Brown, the school will give score F(0~49%) to students, which means someone can get a score in the task, even if he or she is a plagiarist, In other words, F-score is totally different with drop

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