We cannot deny the fact that nowadays computers play a great role in our lives. For a century computers have developed. They have become bigger in term of performances and smaller in sizes and prices. If we look back about a hundred years ago, we would see that computers were gigantic and could do only some calculations. But now, computers cannot do only calculations but can also be a movie theatre, your favorite singer or even your friends. Therefore, today, in the computer market, there are so many kinds of computers out there with many different functions and prices. But how are they different? Which one is better? These kinds of questions always come up. It would be tough if one have to answer these questions. So I would make it easier scoping the type of computers into these two, tablet computers and netbooks. These two share a few similarities but the differences between them are far greater than you may know.
First, we will look at the similarities. It is quite clear that tablet computers and netbooks have almost the same size which I mean the overall size of it, not including the weight. Their weights are also quite similar. We can carry a tablet or a netbook with only one hand without hurting our wrists for they both are very light. And the reason why we can carry one of these two anywhere we want is because they are portable; they are made to be carried. So these are a few similarities of them. Let’s look into details for how much they differ.
The first difference would be the hardware. Tablets PC’s processor are mainly built with ARM architecture. On the other hand, netbooks use the same architecture of CPUs as a desktop PC which is x86. This make a huge different between the two obviously. For netbook users can use most of all PC applications while most tablet users can use specific ARM applications. The differences between ARM and x86 applications would not be discussed here. But the