Professional Development Plan
Carol (Stepp) Wahl
EDU 673
Dr. Dianne Fernandez
June 11, 2012
Introduction Differentiating instruction is a valuable instructional management and delivery tool, which can be used to assist teachers in meeting the needs of the diverse populations of students which they now find in their classrooms. In using these strategies, a teacher may use pre-assessments to determine the learning styles, interests and readiness of the students, prior to the introduction of a lesson or unit. After developing a learner profile, the teacher may then differentiate according to the readiness of the student, by process of delivery, and by the product which the student may produce to demonstrate understanding,
The process of effectively applying differentiated instruction requires some training on the part of school administrators and teachers. Application of differentiated strategies can be intimidating and overwhelming for teachers and administrators who have no prior training or experience in the process. To get the most out of their training teachers and administrators should develop an individualized training plan, which follows a timeline leading to effective application, and which meets the training needs of each, based on their understanding of differentiated instruction and its implementation.
Determining Need In order to determine the individual’s need for training, the staff should take a pre- assessment which measures the individuals knowledge and understanding of differentiated instruction, their own learning styles and preferred modes of knowledge demonstration, as well as interest and multiple intelligence inventories. The data collected can be then used to develop a plan of instruction, and ultimately, a detailed timeline for acquiring training and implementation of differentiated instructional strategies in the classroom. A well researched and planned timeline can facilitate a smooth