Ma Cassandra C. Landicho – Cruz
Background of Dorothy Johnson * Born on 21’st of August 1919 in Georgia, USA * 1942 – Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Nashville Tennessee. * Masters in Public Health from Harvard University, Boston in 1948. Worked in various places in the US and in 1955 at CMC Vallore SON. * Creation of her theory began in 1940’s when she began to teach. * Retired in 1978, and died in 1999.
The Theory * The Behavioural System Model of Nursing was first proposed in 1968. * It advocates the fostering of efficient and effective behavioural functioning of the patient to prevent illness. * The patient is defined as a behavioural system composed of seven behavioural subsystem. * Each subsystem is comprised of four structural characteristics. * An imbalance in each results in disequilibrium. * The nurses’ role is to help the patient maintain his or her equilibrium.
Goals of nursing according to BSM 1. To assist the patient whose behaviour is proportional to social demands. 2. To assist the patient who is able to modify his behaviour in ways that is supports biological imperatives. 3. To assist the patient who is able to benefit to the fullest extent during illness from the physicians knowledge and skills. 4. To assist the patient whose behaviour does not give evidence of unnecessary trauma as a consequence of illness.
Johnsons Behavioural System Model (BSM) overview
Evolved from philosophical ideas, theory, and research; her clinical background; and many years of thought, and writing
Florence Nightingale System theory Developmental theory
GOAL: Restore or maintain behavioural integrity, stability, and efficient and effective behavioural functioning.
CLIENT: a bio psychosocial being with an instability in one of the subsystems due to stress
NURSING: “an external regulatory force which acts to prevent the