This assignment allowed me to develop a better relationship with my professor and at the same time learn from Dr.
Crump’s experiences. Interviewing my professor really allowed me to introduce myself and at the same time let her become aware of my desire to get much more from the course then just a grade. I discovered her dedication to teaching and how she designs every class to benefit us for the next class.
From this experience, I gain inspiration and admiration towards Dr. Crump. She talked about how she was always working for a high level of achievement and had to work tremendously hard throughout her years of schooling. Despite the fact she was always a “smarty”, graduating valedictorian of her high school class and earning distinguishable grades for her undergrad, she still had to perform on a much higher level for her graduate schooling. I thought this was very inspirational and I reflected on how she maintained her resistance throughout her undergraduate and graduate schooling.
I was quite surprised about how much I gained from this experience. It made me reflect on how I would have to give up a lot of things and work extremely to achieve my goals just like what Dr. Crump experience. This actually made me feel a bit worried of what the future has to come and at the same time motivated to achieve my dreams and aspirations.