At present times, people are highly engaged in internet and this includes computer games. Computer games are video games played on a general purpose personal computer rather than a dedicated video game console ar arcade machine. Their defining characteristics include a lack of any centralized controlling authority and greater capacity in input, processing and output.
PC games reached widespread popularity following the video game crash of 1983, particularly in Europe, leading to the era of the "bedroom coder". From the mid-90s onward they lost mass-market traction to console games before enjoying resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution.
The uncoordinated nature of the PC game market and its lack of physical media make precisely assessing its size difficult.
As computer games become more popular at home and in schools, parents and educators are concerned about the possible effects on young students. Exploring computer games damage students' study habit.
Many teenagers who use the computers don't seem to realize that sitting in front of the computer is harmful at all. The electromagnetic waves from the computer-screen make our brain cells get stiffen every second. Human eyes can also lose its focus and get dehydrated easily because the ELF, VLF, RF and MICROWAVE (types of injurious electromagnetic waves). These harmful waves can cause headache, drop in eyesight, a brain tumor and leucosis in the worst case. Moreover, sitting in front of computer without exercising makes the teenager unhealthy. But this is not the only harmful cause of computer addiction.
When it comes to computer game addiction, the situation gets worse. Violent computer graphic games such as Star Craft, War Craft or Counter Strike