Thesis Statement: “What impact does a manager’s or supervisor’s level of emotional intelligence have on their organizational climate?”
Through the first month of the class, the chapter that the two of us found the most intriguing was chapter 4 on emotional intelligence. We were particularly interested in how big of an effect a manager’s emotional intelligence level has on the employees and the culture. Once deciding on our topic we began to look for sources that would help us find the answer to our question.
For finding our necessary research for this project we plan on using many different resources. Most of our research will be found using the MacEwan library database. The “Business Sources Complete” and “Canadian Business and Current Affairs” databases from the business and management section will be our many areas to search in. We also plan on going to the MacEwan and public libraries and look for books that will help us find the information we need. The following are the current resources that we have found so far.
Ghosh, R., Shuck, B., & Petrosko, J. (2012). Emotional intelligence and organizational learning in work teams. Journal Of Management Development, 31(6), 603-619. doi:10.1108/02621711211230894
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relation between emotional intelligence, team learning and team psychological safety. This will relate to our thesis statement because we can use the comparisons in this article to compare how EI will affect an organizational climate. This is a scholarly journal.
Holt, S., & Jones, S. (2005). Emotional intelligence and organizational performance: Implications for performance consultants and educators. Performance Improvement, 44(10), 15-21. doi:10.1002/pfi.4140441005
This source examines the definition of emotional intelligence and its role in promotion the efficiency in organizations. We found that this source would give us some sort of basic information on