Bio 181 Section 001k
The goal of the lab was to determine the health of the aquatic community of Lake Wheeler. Different sediment samples were taken to be tested and observed in many ways. The water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and water clarity were also tested with different tools. The health of Lake Wheeler was tested through coliform samples that were taken to see if it is safe for humans. The whole experiment was a unique and enjoyable experiment.
The aquatic communities lab goal was to evaluate the overall healthiness of Lake Wheeler. The evaluation is performed by testing several aspects of the lake water. Some of the tests were measuring the pH, Secchi depth, compensation depth, dissolved oxygen, and temperature at different depths, sediment samples from different zones, eco plates, and coliform tests. The pH test calculates the acidity of the lake water, which should be close to neutral. Secchi depth testing is to find the average water clarity and light penetration. The compensation depth is the depth at which only 1% of surface light penetrates the water column (NC State Department of Bio 2013, p39). Sediment samples taken from various zones show what is living in the sediment. Coliform testing is to check for the presence of coliform bacteria.
This lab contained many different tests to determine the quality of the aquatic community at Lake Wheeler. The first test was to find dissolved oxygen and the temperature at different depths of the lake. To do this test, a submersible probe was lowered by a cable at 50 cm increments into the lake water and at every increment; the dissolved oxygen was measured along with the water temperature. The measurements were then recorded, averaged, and then reported to the class. Test Two was collecting samples of plankton in the lake. The procedure for this involved using a “Schindler-Patalas trap” that was lowered into the water to collect